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Cocktailing in Penang: The Galle Fort Special

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The Galle Fort Special as served at the Baba Bar
The Galle Fort Special as served at the Baba Bar

Our man in Hong Kong captured these images while on a cocktailing tour of the Malaca Straights.  He even found a Sri Lankan barman to make him a drink!

The Galle Fort Special. Limes, brown sugar, lychee, vodka and passion fruit syrup. (Mash one and a half limes with three lychee and a heaped spoon of sugar then stir in the vodka and passion fruit syrup and add ice). Created by Podi, the Sri Lankan barman at the Bababar in the Seven Terraces, Penang, Malaysia.  Back in Sri Lanka, Podi would use passion fruit cordial, a concoction rarely found outside the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Passion fruit syrup however, is relatively straightforward to source.  Mix well for a taste of Asia in a glass. Cheers!

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Podi the bartender
Podi the bartender

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